Elementary Announcements

Elementary Announcements
Elementary Announcements

Elementary Events

April 12th
Midterm for last grading period

April 15th-26th
ILEARN testing for grades 3-6

April 19th
Early Release
PD info will be released early next week

May 1st
Summer School forms for grades K-2 will be sent home

May 2nd
Choir performance for the elementary at 2:00

May 3rd
Honor Roll students cookies and milk at 2:00 in the cafeteria

May 6th-10th
Teacher Appreciation Week

May 10th
Track/Field Day

May 16th
Ice Cream for everyone!

May 17th
End of year POW WOW organized by the PTO

Pre-School Enrollment
April 12th, 19th, 26th
8:30-11:30 and 12:30-3:00 
Appointment Only