Funds must be deposited into a student’s meal account prior to breakfast or lunch for that day. It is the parents’ responsibility to see that their child(ren)’s meals are paid for and parents can fulfill this responsibility by paying for the meals themselves or by sending the meal money to the school with their child(ren). Any student without sufficient funds in his or her account will be offered a sandwich and a carton of milk. MSD of Shakamak will provide this meal for two consecutive days. If sufficient funds have yet to be deposited into the student’s meal fund, the Superintendent will be notified so the next course of action can be determined. Please work with us to ensure that this never happens. It is not the school corporation’s intent to embarrass any person in any way.
The State of Indiana provides free/reduced application forms that are available in all school offices from the building secretaries and food service director. Applications MUST be filled out completely BEFORE being approved. If a household receives food stamps or state aid, please include the case number on the application. All of this information must be provided before the application can be approved. Please take advantage of this benefit if you think your family may qualify for free or reduced breakfast/lunch.
This policy applies to the MSD OF SHAKAMAK, Elementary School, Junior-High School, and High School.
MSD OF SHAKAMAK School Board of Trustees
MSD OF SHAKAMAK Superintendent
School Food Service Director
This Policy is School Board Approved July 11, 2013